Small Talk – with Jo Lam and Henry

在這個由 和 聯合舉辦的網上講座中,我們將有機會聽到來自香港的林作和英國的律師Henry Wong,他們將分享關於在英國生活的實用經驗和建議。林作,一位擁有豐富英國教育背景的人士,將與Henry一同探討香港移民在英國面臨的各種挑戰和機遇。

Organized by and, we will have the opportunity to hear from Jo Lam from Hong Kong and solicitor Henry Wong from the UK. They will share practical experiences and advice about living in the UK. Jo Lam, an individual with a rich educational background in the UK, will join Henry Wong in discussing the various challenges and opportunities faced by Hong Kong immigrants in the UK.

Date: 8th Feb 2024, Time: 1pm (UKT), 9pm (HKT)
Language: Cantonese

連結 Link:
會議ID Meeting ID: 820 3294 2492
密碼 Passcode: 2AbFJd

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(The capacity for the event is limited to only 100 persons. First come, first served for joining the Zoom session)

主講人1 Presenter 1: Joseph Lam 林作

主講人2 Presenter 2: Henry Wong (律師 Solicitor)
Contact: Tel / Whatsapp: 07395831457 email:


  • 適應英國生活: 討論文化差異、語言障礙和社會融入等問題。
  • 法律和移民政策: 了解英國的法律體系和移民程序,以及這對香港移民的具體影響。
  • 教育和就業機會: 探討在英國的學習和工作機會,以及如何利用這些機會。
  • 心理健康和社交: 分享如何處理遷移帶來的心理壓力和建立新的社交網絡。
  • 英國房產市場: 提供有關在英國購房和投資的實用建議。

Key topics include:

  • Adapting to Life in the UK: Discussing cultural differences, language barriers, and social integration issues.
  • Legal and Immigration Policies: Understanding the UK’s legal system and immigration procedures, and their specific impact on Hong Kong immigrants.
  • Education and Employment Opportunities: Exploring learning and work opportunities in the UK, and how to make the most of these opportunities.
  • Mental Health and Socializing: Sharing how to handle the psychological stress of migration and building new social networks.
  • UK Property Market: Providing practical advice on buying and investing in properties in the UK.
